Wahhabism and International Terrorism

Americans must be concerned with Wahhabi threat for 150 to 200 of the ISIS terrorists are reportedly Americans who could return home and cause harm far worse than that of 9/11.
In 2013, the European Parliament issued a report identifying Wahhabism as the source of international terrorism. Wahhabism can be seen in the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), al-Qaeda, al-Nusrat, Talaban, al-Shabaab, and Boko Haram. Also, the nineteen terrorists who crashed two commercial planes into the World Trade Center in New York in 2001 held this belief. If we are serious about resolving Wahhabi terrorism, we must seek the root of the problem, which is primarily based in Saudi Arabia.
The ISIS invasion of Iraq is not a Sunni-Shia conflict as stated by United States’ President Obama and international media. It is a conflict between the Wahhabi terrorists and the world. To characterize ISIS’ occupation as a Sunni-Shia conflict is completely irresponsible for it would generate tension between the Sunni and minority-Shia communities across the world.
The mass killing of Sunnis by ISIS within the Sunni Triangle testifies that Wahhabi extremists are not Sunnis despite ISIS’ claim. If Islam truly means peace, then they cannot be Muslims either. ISIS fighters, like other Wahhabi extremist, hate Christians, Jews, and other non-Wahhabis.
In 2010, the United States Secretary of State Hilary Clinton stated that Saudi Arabia is a “critical source of terrorist funding” (The Guardian December 5, 2010). The solution to the terrorism is not to attack Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, or other countries but rather to convince the Persian Gulf Arab States, especially the Saudi Kingdom, that it is in their own interest to treat international terrorism as a top priority.

Dr. Mehdi Alavi, President
Peace Worldwide Organization

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