The Srebrenica Genocide, the largest mass murder committed in Europe since World War II, occurred in July 1995 around the town of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Serbs during the Bosnian War. More than 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were rounded and massacred while the Dutch soldiers operating under the auspices of the United Nations were assigned to protect the town.
In July 2011 the Court of Appeal in Netherlands ruled that the Dutch state was responsible for some Bosnian men during the Srebrenica Genocide and ordered the Dutch government to compensate the relatives for the deaths. We applaud the Dutch Court ruling for being consistent with the Law of Nature and the Dictate of Reason, which clearly holds us responsible not only for our own actions but also those of others to the extent that we can control them.
We disagree with the United Nations claim of immunity from legal action related to the Srebrenica Genocide for any family, town, city, state or institution endowed by the Law of Nature and the Dictate of Reason to protect its members. No entity, including the United Nations, has power to evade that responsibility. We expect the United Nations to reverse its judgment and live up to its full responsibilities.
May peace be with you!
Peace Worldwide Organization Message from Founder Dr. Alavi on the Realm of Responsibility